South Korea health care

June 08, 2023
South Korea’s Healthcare Sector Is Heading Toward a Crisis
By Eunwoo Lee
Reform efforts have put the government at loggerheads with physicians, who are reluctant to let go of their privileges.

October 27, 2020
Amid Rising Panic Over Deaths, South Korean Government Urges People to Get Flu Shots
By Mitch Shin
As more than 59 deaths were reported soon after a shot, the South Korean government is asking people to trust its health officials that the vaccine is safe.

September 03, 2020
As COVID-19 Surges in South Korea, Doctors Are Furious Over Government Training Plan
By Tae-jun Kang
The government's plan to train more doctors has sparked controversy and a doctors' strike -- all in the middle of a global pandemic.
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