China green finance

June 23, 2023
One Year After a Landmark Green Finance Policy, Can Chinese Banks Go Green?
By Michelle Chan
Chinese banks have been the last resort of projects too toxic for other lenders to touch. Can the Green Finance Guidelines force a change?

April 22, 2022
Clean at Home and Polluting Abroad: The Trouble With China’s Energy Finance
By Mathias Lund Larsen and Lars Oehler
Renewables make up 3/4 of Chinese energy investments at home, but only 1/4 abroad. One reason is the Chinese financial system’s preference for SOEs, which these days are looking for markets to unload excess capacity.

December 17, 2021
To ‘Green’ the Belt and Road, China Needs to Set Clear Renewable Energy Targets
By Zhang Jing
As China stops building overseas coal power plants, it will take more than wishful thinking to transition to renewable energy.

November 28, 2018
Will China Save the Planet?
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Barbara Finamore.
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