
June 23, 2023
Kazakhstan and Germany: Dissecting President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s Visit
By Eldaniz Gusseinov
The German president’s recent visit underscores Berlin’s commitment to strengthening ties with Kazakhstan amidst a volatile geopolitical landscape.

June 23, 2023
Kazakhstan Is Vulnerable to Secondary Sanctions
By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
For Kazakhstan, the secondary sanctions risk is not just hypothetical.

June 23, 2023
Who Is Responsible for the Fires in Kazakhstan?
By Colleen Wood
Patterns in criticism of government officials reveal how President Tokayev views the chain of responsibility for the fires, but the broader public may disagree.

June 14, 2023
Cultural Diplomacy as a Key Instrument of China-Central Asia Cooperation
By Paolo Sorbello
An interview with Chinese diplomacy researcher Giulia Sciorati.

June 13, 2023
Wildfire in Kazakhstan Sparks Corruption Complaints
By Catherine Putz
Clearing out entrenched corruption – abetted by an autocratic system in which the roads that are paved are those the president walks on – is a monumental task.

June 12, 2023
Who Benefits From the Eurasian Economic Union?
By Elvira Aidarkhanova
Russia needs the support of its "old friends" more than ever and views the EAEU as a vehicle for that support.

June 09, 2023
Era of the First President Waning Further in Kazakhstan With Office Closure
By Catherine Putz
With the expected closure of the Office of the First President, de-Nazarbayevification marches on.

June 08, 2023
What’s the Status of Plans to Export Russian Gas to Uzbekistan?
By Catherine Putz
Moscow’s needs are more immediate, giving Tashkent time and space to negotiate.

June 07, 2023
EU-Central Asia Leaders’ Meeting Latest to Highlight Region’s Geopolitical Centrality
By Catherine Putz
Last year, the EU’s meeting with Central Asian leaders followed their summit with Putin; this year it trailed their meeting with Xi.

June 06, 2023
Hobbled Economic Prospects in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
Emerging economies are “struggling just to cope,” the World Bank says. The latest Global Economic Prospects report notes slight improvements but many risks.

June 01, 2023
Kazakhstan Keeps Discussion of Political Repression Firmly in the Past
By Catherine Putz
Kazakh President Tokayev said in tweet that it was the “duty” of all to “learn the terrible lessons of the past and do everything possible so that such events do not happen again in the future.” What about the present?

May 19, 2023
This Week in Asia: May 19, 2023
The Diplomat’s weekly video round-up of Asia news.
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